The GI Joe Living History Museum is conducting their annual Salute! Celebration to honor veterans on Saturday, November 7, 2020. The program begins at 1 pm at Pearson Park in downtown Kinston, N.C. The featured guest speaker is N.C. State VFW Service Officer, Tad Brown. Salute! Chairperson, Eric Cantu says, “Over the years this community event has highlighted and honored the sacrifices of our veterans in preserving America’s cherished freedoms.” The event also honors Ted Sampley, an original organizer of Salute!, who actually led a national observance in Washington, D.C. honoring veterans, especially POWs and MIAs.
The opening ceremonies will be followed by a Veteran’s concert featuring the “Southern Touch Band” plus local vendors and non-profit organizations. Later in the evening at 7 pm, a special “Veteran’s Tribute Show” will be held outside of Vernon Park Mall. This free “Drive-In Video Show” is produced by Ron Raines with special in-car audio reception.
A private parade event will be held on Wednesday, November 11th at the NC State Veterans Home. Special Belk’s “Charity Day” tickets will be on sale throughout the week for a $5 donation.
For more information, interviews, and speaker schedules, please contact Debbie Humphrey at 252-229-2785 or check out our website: www.salute-gijoes.org.