Salute! A Tribute to America's Veterans

News & Events


Sloppy Joes Event

Our annual Fall Sloppy Joe fundraiser will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 10:30 am to 2 pm unless we sell out before

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Year Round Programs


GI Joe's Museum

Military displays range from before the Revoluntionary War to present. A mini-theater doubles as a classroom when needed.
walk picture

Walk of Honor

Purchase a brick to honor a military veteran or emergency service personnel. Your purchase helps create a lasting memorial in our community.

Veterans Tribute Weekend

First held in Washington DC in 2000, this program has continued to honor our local veterans each year around Veterans Day.


We have two different projects that we run year-round. The first is the
Walk of Honor which is a permanent commemorative walkway that is paved with bricks engraved with the names of honored men and women who have served our great country. It parallels the picturesque Neuse River as it winds its way through the beautifully landscaped Tiffany West, Pearson Parks and the Nature Center. Sitting areas and the Memorials afford quiet places for reflection and tribute.



The second is GI Joe’s Military Living History Museum which covers all
the different wars the United States has been involved in beginning with the Indian Wars that started when settlers arrived here before the
Revolutionary War. Local veterans gather for coffee and conversation in the morning and are the volunteer staff for visitors.


Stew & Brew edit
2nd Saturday of March

Presented by Mother Earth Brewing Co., this event draws outdoor cooks together to compete in the Carolina Fishstew Cookoff for the John A Burton Jr. Award of Excellence. The public is invited to attend, purchase sample bowls for $10 and help in the voting for People’s Choice. All proceeds benefit GI Joe’s Military Living History Museum.

Memorial Day and Veterans Day

As a way of community involvement of honor and remembrance, flag are placed in selected areas in Kinston, Deep Run, Pink Hill and LaGrange. Each flag has a patriotic ribbon, a Buddy Poppy, and the name of the person being honored or remembered. this event is held twice a year.

Veterans Tribute Weekend

Held the first weekend in November

Downtown Kinston

During Veterans’ Day Weekend, the weekend prior to Veteran’s Day, Salute! plans a weekend of different ways we can honor our veterans and
do something for them, to show our appreciation for the sacrifices they made to maintain freedom in the United States.

About Us

We are a non-profit organization made up of veterans and non-veterans alike, and we are open for anyone with an interest in recognizing the past and present protectors of our freedom. We focus on promoting awareness of the freedom our Great Nation has bestowed upon us, how our freedom has constantly been challenged and who has paid the ultimate price by protecting our freedom. We have no political agenda; we only want to educate our community on the history, heritage, and culture of our Great Nation.

Click Here to download the full 3 page history

Our mission is to honor our veterans with respect and dignity, to
celebrate their return to our community and publicly thank them for the
sacrifices they have endured for our continued freedom.

We are organized under the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act and shall operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposed and in a manner consistent with Chapter 55A of the General Statutes of North Carolina and Section 501 c3 of the Internal Revenue Code or successor provisions.

Our Veterans should be honored every day