Sloppy Joes Event

Our annual Fall Sloppy Joe fundraiser will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 10:30 am to 2 pm unless we sell out before then. Funds raised will go toward our veteran community events such as our Black History Veteran Honoree Event, Memorial Day events at the VA Home, POW/MIA Awareness in the Community, […]
Movie Matinee

Salute! and GI Joe’s Museum are pleased to announce they are beginning a Saturday Movie Matinee showing at 1:00 pm for $2. The first showing was held in March with limited attendance. Teen Avengers was shown to the families that enjoyed a beverage and popcorn. Our next showing is on Saturday, April 22 at 1:00 […]
Sloppy Joes At Joes

We are pleased to announce our spring Sloppy Joes plate sale for April 29 from 10:30-1:30. All proceeds stay in Lenoir County and assist with the museum mission.